Why You Need an Attorney

Lawsuits and claims based on the losses that victims suffer in serious accidents can be complicated and diverse. That is why you need an experienced law firm to represent you. While it may seem as though similar accident scenarios may play out the same way in court, different factual circumstances may greatly influence the levels of success that victims have at trial. Our office will help you understand your unique claim, the various options and remedies available to you under the law, as well as the applicable insurance policies available to you. More often than not, there are different layers of insurance coverage available, involving multiple parties. Identifying liable parties and seeking out insurance coverage is something we are adept at doing for our clients. Let us address the complexities of your lawsuit or claim for you so that you can focus on your recovery. Remember, there is no cost for you to meet with us, and we work on a contingent basis.
Some examples of different insurance coverage types may include a liability policy (this covers the at-fault driver). Many accidents may have more than one at-fault party. An accident may involve both a personal liability policy as well as a commercial liability policy. Our firm has a proven history of litigating cases to involve a commercial policy when the initial response has been a denial. There are also uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage policies that may be available as well as PIP, household services, and lost wage claims that need to be made.
The previous are merely examples of varying types of insurance policies available to victims. If you have been involved in an accident, contact our office today to discuss your lawsuit or claim with one of our experienced attorneys who can identify your potential avenues of recovery.

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