Salt Lake City Mountain Bike Accident Attorney

Mountain Bike Accident Attorney

Utah's Best Personal Injury Law Office

Mountain biking is another extreme sport and outdoor activity where our attorneys represent victims of accidents. When participants take part in mountain-biking adventures, they use the bike’s robust design to go off-road. With larger tires and more shock absorption, riders can go from dirt trails to advanced tracks with jumps, sharp corners, and rugged terrain. It should come as no surprise that these types of activities can lead to injuries and accidents.

Common injuries from mountain biking accidents

Many injuries can arise from a fall, collision, or falling due to something on the track. Below are some of the most common damages our previous clients have faced.

A fall from a considerable height can lead to broken bones, internal bleeding, sprains, and in the worst cases, death.

Hitting one’s head on a hard object such as a rock. This accident should be taken seriously and can lead to concussions or even traumatic brain injury.

Collisions with other riders, pedestrians, and off-road vehicles, just like the situations stated above, these accidents can lead to large, serious, often devastating injuries.

Award-Winning Attorneys

Our expert attorneys are nationally known for their exemplary talent to provide their clients with the legal advice that they deserve; all the while being some of the most decorated lawyers in Utah.

The Importance of Speaking with an Attorney

Recreational accident cases are unique in nature and require an experienced law firm to properly handle. Participants or guests engaged in managed and coordinated activities have a reasonable guarantee that precautions have been taken. It can be difficult for the injured parties to show that there was negligence of another that resulted in their injury. Furthermore, Insurance companies have a reputation for making it difficult to collect fair and just compensation. If you are looking for someone to fight for your rights we highly recommend requesting a case review today. Our attorneys can help you cut through red tape to get your case handled professionally and efficiently.

What if the accident was not your fault?

 There are many factors to consider in every case, and each mountain bike accident is unique to the situation. If you believe that you have been injured due to the negligence or recklessness of another, it is highly advised that you request a case review. A common situation arises when another rider has disregarded the rules or safety standards on the course or trail.

Slightly fewer common issues that can arise include product defects that failed to keep you or a loved one safe. An example would be holding the bicycle manufacturer liable for defects to the braking system or structure of the bike itself. Product liability issues can also arise from biking equipment, for example, if the helmet failed to protect your head the way it was designed to.

One final situation where a person or entity can be held accountable is when the trail or park owner failed to keep their property safe for riders. When this issue arises, it is usually due to an unaddressed or unrepaired road hazard that resulted in the accident. Depending on the situation, the city, state, or municipality can be at fault for the accident. It is especially important in these cases to seek legal representation to help fight for legal rights.

It is often highly advised by professionals that you have at least one partner when you take your bike off-road. This is because if an accident were to happen, the other person could get help. When riders get injured in secluded areas, they can sometimes be stranded for long periods before they are found. This extra time before wounds are addressed can compound the issue and amplify the effects of the accident.

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