Who is Responsible for My Injury While Skiing?

It is the time of year when thousands of people worldwide visit the beautiful slopes of Utah. For many, this is their favorite time of year and one of the largest reasons they call Salt Lake home. It would be safe to assume that most of us have suffered a small injury while participating in outdoor recreational activities. After all, a few bumps and bruises usually show when you learn a new and thrilling activity. But what can you do when those injuries go beyond a small wound that will heal in a few days? Even further, what can you do when those injuries happened because of something someone else did wrong?

I got hurt during a skiing trip, what should I do now?

This is a question that dozens of people will ask themselves every winter. It might be our instinct to assume that the ski lodges are the party to be held liable. However, many states have some form of Ski Lodge Immunity Laws to help protect these establishments. Realistically it may be tricky to show negligence on behalf of the lodges; it does not mean that you are out of legal options. A good rule of thumb is to remember that someone is usually to blame if an accident happened. In certain situations, an individual can be held liable should a crash happen between skiers.

It is always a good idea to research the skier responsibility guide to help ensure you are as safe as possible by following the rules. The resort should also have house rules to help keep their visitors safe while enjoying themselves out on the mountain. Typical violations include when someone does one or more of these actions.

  • When someone fails to remember that people in front of them have the right of way and hit into them from high speed.
  • If a person is skiing under the influence of drugs or alcohol and their impairment causes the accident.
  • If a person stops in an inappropriate place and obstructs a trail causing an unavoidable blockage.

As with most recreational sports, there is an inherent risk that we accept when we participate. That is why safety and strict following of rules and guidelines are so important. Accidents while skiing or snowboarding can be quite large. Typical injuries include broken bones, brain trauma, concussions, sprains, torn ligaments, and more. If you or a loved one has been in a skiing accident, contact our office today for a case review with an attorney.</color font>



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