Ways to Avoid Distracted Driving

By now, we should all be aware that using your phone and texting while driving is a huge contributor to car crashes. However, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention), about 2,800 people were killed, and another 400,000 were injured in distracted driving accidents during 2018. 

Most people don’t realize that using your phone is not the only way drivers can be distracted and cause an accident. This is why we have compiled a list of some of the most common distracted driving practices and how you can avoid becoming a distracted driver and cause an accident by neglecting the road.

Avoid Electronics

Put away your electronics, this includes your cell phone and other devices. Reduce temptation by turning off your ringer and putting your phone out of sight. Also, you could utilize the “do not disturb” setting to stop any notifications for incoming calls and texts. Only use your phone for emergency situations, such as calling the police, fire department, or an ambulance.

Adjust Before Driving

Multitasking while driving is an easy recipe for distracted driving. Before you even get on the road, adjust your seat position, mirrors, sound system, and air conditioning. If you are using a navigation system, set up the directions into the GPS before you begin to drive.

Eat Smart

Avoid eating while driving as it can cause you to take your hands off the wheel and even completely distract you should a spill occur. However, if you absolutely need to eat on the road, make sure to eat food items that can easily be held with one hand, such as a granola bar. 

Buckle Up

It’s paramount to ensure that you and your passengers are buckled up before you begin driving. You do not want to have to worry about your passengers being buckled up during your drive, so make sure, especially if you have any children on board, that they are buckled up into their car seat. That way, you are not worrying about reaching awkwardly into the backseat to buckle up a child and risk losing control of your vehicle. 

If at any point you or a loved one has been injured in a distracted driving car accident, Utah Attorneys is here to help guide you through the thick of it. We have over three decades of legal experience, and our Utah car accident attorneys will work hard to ensure maximum compensation so you can focus on recovering. Call our expert attorneys today to get a free consultation.

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