The Importance of Legal Representation After a Truck Accident

Of all the various personal injury cases, we handle collisions with commercial trucks rank as some of the worst. You are not alone if you get a little nervous driving alongside a large semi-truck or 18 wheeler. This feeling is not unfounded. If you ever seen a large truck hit into a passenger vehicle, then you know how devastating the results can be. Tragically the individuals involved in these accidents can face life-changing injury and even death when these accidents happen. Despite the results, we have noticed many Salt Lake City residents still don’t understand how important legal representation is. Below are a few reasons why you need a lawyer after a crash with a semi-truck.

Attorneys know how to protect your rights.

Experienced commercial truck accident lawyers are there to be on your side. When an accident happens, trucking companies will usually begin to investigate the matter right away. You must work with someone who will have the same urgency to get your side of the story. This includes gathering evidence such as photos of the accident scene, weather reports, police reports, witness statements, and even inspection reports for the semi-truck involved in the accident. If the situation calls for it, your attorney will choose to enact the help of expert witnesses such as doctors or accident recreation specialists. All of these items should help you build a strong case and show negligence on the other parties’ behalf.

Insurance companies may not be on your side.

Perhaps you have a trusting nature, and don’t think about how your words can be used against you. Shortly after your accident, you can expect to have phone calls from insurance adjusters wishing to get a recorded statement of the accident. We recommend that you speak with an attorney near your location before you talk with anyone else. This includes your own insurance company or your best friend via email. You do not want a situation where the truth is hidden under an innocent statement made without thinking things through.

You are far more likely to get a full financial recovery with an attorney.

It may not sound fair, but if the accident was not your fault, the burden of proof lies on your shoulders. Plaintiffs in civil suits are asked to show negligence on the truck driver’s part to prove that the accident was not their fault. Common causes of negligence can include speeding, running a red light, failing to yield, and so forth. Remember, even though truck drivers are professionally trained, they are still human and can make mistakes just like you and me. Don’t put yourself in a David vs. Goliath situation. Get a Goliath to help fight your legal battles by requesting a case review today.</color font>

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