Most Common Car Crash Injuries

Due to a car accident, you may endure some injuries. Some catastrophic injuries can leave you dealing with a permanent life-altering disability, while others are more common and less impactful long-term. Here are the most common injuries you can sustain after a vehicle accident that can impact your personal injury claim.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can vary in severity; some can be from a minor concussion to significant trauma. This trauma is due to the crash impact; in most cases of traumatic brain injuries, the victim’s head slams into the car’s frame, steering wheel, or even dashboard. A traumatic brain injury can also have lifelong damages, such as permanent brain damage.


The impact from a vehicle collision will jolt your body from side to side (usually front to back). This sudden impact and movement can damage the muscles and nerves in the neck area. Whiplash is usually a minor injury that leaves victims with neck aches; however, sometimes, it can severely impact your spinal cord.

Fractured/Broken Bones

In most cases, drivers involved in a car accident tense their bodies to brace for impact. When victims do this, they increase the risk of injury, such as broken bones. For example, if you lock up your legs, the impact on your legs will be much more significant since there can be no flex to cushion it. The vehicle’s frame can also collapse and crush your limbs.  

This type of injury can lead to life-altering problems, especially if the fracture doesn’t heal properly. 

Back Injuries

Back injuries can be pretty serious. They can cause some delayed issues that will arise with the natural breakdown of your body as you age. A back injury can severely impact your ability to walk or do some of your favorite hobbies, especially if left untreated.

After suffering a back injury, you may require specialized medical equipment and ongoing care. With future therapy and medical bills looming over your head, it’s crucial to obtain the most amount of compensation for your damages. 

Utah Personal Injury Lawyers are here to ensure you are adequately compensated so you can focus on recovering from your injury. If you call our offices any day during business hours, you can schedule a free phone consultation. We know how devastated some car accidents can leave people, so we are here to fight for you. Our experienced attorneys will help alleviate the burden of injury after a vehicle accident in Utah.

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