How To Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents

A slip and fall accident is one of the most common accidents to happen in a workplace. Slips, trips, and falls cause about 26% of nonfatal work injuries. Also, it seems that slip and fall accidents lead to more than 700 deaths annually. 

If you or a loved one has suffered from a slip and fall accident at work, the attorneys at Utah Personal Injury Attorneys will help you get the compensation you deserve. We offer free legal consultation when you call us, and we also work on a contingency fee. This means that we don’t get paid until you do.

Below are a few tips to help you avoid a slip and fall accident at work. 

Ensure Safety


The first step in avoiding an accident on the job is limiting the number of hazards around your workspace. A few strategies you can use to help reduce these numbers include but are not limited to:

  • Entryways are equipped with non-slip mats
  • Maintain sufficient lighting
  • Provide markers for any steps, ramps, slippery floors, and any other potential hazards.

Safety Procedures

Unfortunately, a slip and fall accident can happen anywhere, including office buildings, classrooms, constructions, and more. With this in mind, it is crucial to develop any safety protocol to cultivate a safer environment. Use these tips to help better your safety protocol:

  • Properly ventilate any hazardous contaminants. 
  • Check for any loose electrical wiring, cords, etc., that create unsafe walking conditions. 
  • Continually update and review standard operating procedures. 

Maintainance to Minimize Slip and Fall Risks

Even if your workplace and safety protocol create a safe environment, the efforts are not without regular cleaning and maintenance. If you’re going to hire a maintenance staff, please do the following: 

  • Implement a cleaning and maintenance schedule
  • Take all the necessary measures to limit any risk of a slip and fall accident occurring.
  • Regularly check plumbing systems
  • Receive regular safety training

The Weather WILL Rain on Your Parade

Snow, sleet, hail, rain, and any other forms of inclement weather can turn your safe workplace into a slip and fall hazard. You should train your staff to have the best practices for inclement weather. Also, every business should have a removal service to address any hazard that snow, sleet, hail, ice, rain, etc., can bring to a workplace.

Safety Training

Employees can become hyperfocused on their job and forget the safety protocols of the business. The business owner should provide safety training to employees throughout their employment. If not, employees will find themselves likelier to engage in activities that increase their risk of slip and fall accidents. 


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