Helmets Save Lives

With warmer weather here and summer at our heels, I am compelled to urge people to wear their helmets when riding a motorcycle or a bicycle.  I understand the elation that riding a motorcycle or bicycle brings with it.  The feeling of freedom, having the wind in your face and the sun shining on you is euphoric.  However, having seen as many tragedies and accidents as I have, I cannot stress the importance of safety and wearing a helmet.  After all, helmets (not just seatbelts) save lives.
Wearing a helmet is probably the single most important thing you can do to help reduce the severity of any injury, or even a fatality when you are riding a motorcycle or a bicycle.  Your head and brain are very vulnerable when riding a motorcycle or bicycle.   A helmet provides protection for your head, brain, and face.  This also includes your eyes, teeth, and ears.  A helmet has a hard, soft outer shell and contains foam on the inside.  The hard outer shell helps your head skid along the impact surface with causing excessive jarring while the foam helps to absorb the impact of the blow to your head.   A helmet can also protect you from rocks, debris, branches, and other unexpected hazards you may encounter while riding.
A study done in the US in 2016 came to the conclusion that when a rider suffered a brain injury due to an accident, wearing a helmet cut the risk of a traumatic brain injury in half.  The report, which was published in the American Journal of Surgery, went on to state that riders who wore helmets were 44% less likely to die from their injury.  The CDC has estimated that in 2016 helmets saved 1,859 lives.  They went on to report that helmets reduce the risk of death by 37% and head injury by 69%.
Wearing a helmet can reduce the severity of your injury, which in turn leads to less medical bills, shorter hospital stays, reduced recovery times, a smaller amount of time away from work, and a better outcome overall.  If you are under the age of 21, Utah mandates that you must wear protective headgear when operating or riding a motorcycle.  There are currently no such mandates or laws for bicycle riders, even minors.
Be an example to those you love and other riders on the road.  Protect yourself and wear a helmet.

If you have been involved in a motorcycle or bicycle accident, contact one of our experienced lawyers to discuss your rights and answer any questions you may have.

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